quinta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2009

wake up.....it´s time to live!!!!!!!!!!!

show me something that i don´t recognize.
Tell me something i don´t know.
And i don´t know anything, i cannot see everything that surronds me. so...
Yes you´re showing the same all over again, you´re making me feel that peculiar feeling...again.
And i´m here to tell you.....i don´t like it!!!!!!!!!
today i feel bored, so, so bored.
I know the person inside me, i made her, i´m still working on her.
If anyone should that know´s her...that person is me.
I can say she can do whatever she proposes herself to do. But they need to give her a change!

Some of us know that it´s not that easy, sometimes it could be so painfull, we want to move forward, but the hole it´s becoming bigger.

It´s like when you´re in the sea and the flow is to strong.

It´s not only up to you....you need a little help......from who or how, i don´t know...maybe you need luck.... luckly a fearless man is on the beach preparing himself to jump into the water. Or luckly the flow changes. Or luckly, or luckly......who know´s?!

Well, what she needs is not luck, not for this issue, a thousand others are waiting for it.

She needs to prepare herself for what is coming, but in this moment she can´t do it by herself, as much she would like that but...she know´s she can´t. And she´s still waitnig for that awakness, by the person who really can help her .

buhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..please..wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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